
Automatische Maprotation!


Mit dieser Abstimmung kann jeder die Map Rotation auf dem Server selbst beeinflussen.

Es befindet sich in Testphase also sind Fehler nicht ausgeschlossen.

With this vote, everyone can affect even the Map rotation on the server.

It is in testing phase so mistakes are not excluded.

Ablauf der Abstimmung!


Wenn 20 oder mehr Personen abgestimmt haben wird beim nächsten geplanten Serverneustart automatisch die neu gewählte Map-Rotation geladen.

If 20 or more people have voted then the newly voted map rotation will automatically loaded on the server during the next scheduled server restart.

Danach wird diese Abstimmung auf Null zurückgestellt und es beginnt von vorne. Theoretisch ist es möglich jeden Tag eine Andere Map-Rotation zu wählen wenn genug mit machen.

After this vote will be reset to zero and you can start again from beginn. Theoretically it is possible to vote every day an other Map-Rotation if enough people participate.

Nach diesem Muster wird die Map-Rotation erstellt:

Platz Runden
1 10
3 5
5/7/9 3
2 7
6/8/10 3
4 5

Following this pattern, the map rotation is created:

Place Rounds
1 10
3 5
5/7/9 3
2 7
6/8/10 3
4 5

Have already voted: 16
Still have to vote at least: 4

vote for registered user only
Forum » Array » Forum » Poll

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Zurzeit:  aktiv
Dabei seid:  07.07.20
Posts: 11
Warnungen:  0
25.10.2022 - 23:15:58

I'd like to create a poll so that players can voice their opinions on the subject of sniper rifles in your server.

Question: should sniper rifles be removed from the server? Simple yes/no would do it but if you want to elaborate then please do it, I will start.

I'm sure some people will be in favor of keeping the snipes as they are, why wouldn't they - it's fun weapon, using scope etc. The thing is that a snipe in vetus is just different. I'm pretty sure it's server setting which makes it so powerful, because I haven't seen that on other servers.
This on the other hand creates an unfair advantage for the snipe user over other players because you can basically just shoot at anything and kill with ease, the damage or hitbox is just off the charts.
Only 1 player each team can have a snipe which brings another issue - how on earth does it work? I will confess that I tried playing with a snipe on few maps but I was unsuccsessful because there is always that one guy who hoards the weapon and no matter what other players do, they can't select the snipe to the point that it's almost abused.

The server does a good job at being close to realistic moh RO but the snipe just ruins it, is more like a fun weapon from CDX.

To keep all things fair and enjoyable for everyone I would vote yes - remove the snipe or modify it to the default setting so that it's not that overpowered.

Let me know what you think, and WOR maybe you can take all this into consideration.



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Zurzeit:  aktiv
Dabei seid:  18.05.21
Posts: 3
Warnungen:  0
26.10.2022 - 20:00:31

i would like to remove sniper as well.
so that's a Yes from me as well



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Zurzeit:  aktiv
Dabei seid:  28.09.18
Posts: 10
Warnungen:  0
26.10.2022 - 20:09:13

Agreed. Snipers should be removed or ( if its settings ) nerfed way down. For me personaly it breaks the game. I used it before and i know myself its very powerful and kinda unfair to other players.



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Zurzeit:  aktiv
Dabei seid:  26.09.10
Posts: 36
Warnungen:  0
26.10.2022 - 22:20:09

And how you want to bash like a BashBoss? :=D

I gree with you that the sniper is like a PumpGun ; D

But the big disadvantage with sniper rifle is that you cant Bash someone (so EAZYly)
You only have the pistol, but the range of the pistol is much smaller than of the rifles.

Or would it be better if there are rounds with snipers only and rounds with rifles only? :D

Your ABE

The BashBoss

und Leader

General of The Army

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Zurzeit:  aktiv
Dabei seid:  22.04.07
Posts: 2373
Warnungen:  0
27.10.2022 - 12:31:44

That's the point, sniper has more advantages than the standard rifle in real life too. And a sniper soldier in a war lies in one position for hours (campers) and is unfair to the foot soldier, that's how it is in war. It's actually always unfair with the sniper... that's why this weapon is only available once per team... that's the idea behind it.

The server has actually been running quite well with the Sniper for years. One player per team with the Sniper can't break that much, can it? It has never bothered me. I think vice versa there ... is more variety.

And before anyone have the idea comes up for everyone just Axis Rifle ... because it's unfair to ... you can forget that right away.

Don't understand why you always want to change something? There's a saying: "Never touch a running system" that's my moto, it actually runs quite well. One likes the snipers, the other doesn't. One only plays Axis because of his rifle, the other prefers Allies.

If we put everything the same then where is the fun?

we can force everyone to same Skin, give everyone the same rifle and then... Then it's still unfair because the pings are different.... The hardware is different.

That's my opinion, but since I don't play much at the moment, I don't want to get in the way.



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Zurzeit:  aktiv
Dabei seid:  07.07.20
Posts: 11
Warnungen:  0
29.10.2022 - 11:49:54

Of course there are obvious advantages to snipe as I mentioned already, it's fun weapon. What makes it little too "fun" is the damage output, or a hitbox however you want to call it. The problem is that you can shoot without aiming and it just kills your opponent, I'm sure you know that, this is not default settings for a weapon.

I understand that if something ain't broke don't fix it. But here we are talking about something that is kind of broken and that's why I wanted to create a topic for all interested to show their points of view on that matter (so that it's not just me).

And this is just about snipe - remove it or tune it down to regular weapon config so that it's not so powerful; as I said before the closer to original and realistic MOH experience the better so we're not considering giving everyone axis rifle nor force models (even though it's a in-game client setting).

I think that all that speak here, play and see what's good and what's wrong so maybe you can take that into consideration? I assume that everyone else either don't care about the topic or will be fine with the result whatever it is.

und Leader

General of The Army

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Zurzeit:  aktiv
Dabei seid:  22.04.07
Posts: 2373
Warnungen:  0
30.10.2022 - 14:05:19

That sounds bad now, but for me the whining is at a high level. Especially yours with a 27 win streak and a 4 loss streak last quarter.

As for forcing skins and other client-side settings, that's very possible do it server-side if you really want to. You se we force all to maxpakets 100 (is a clientside setting)

Regarding the Sniper itself, I downloaded a Rifle Only Mod back then and actually only adjusted the running speed on the Sniper, otherwise I didn’t change anything myself at the time, it was probably already changed with this mod, I don’t deny that.
But it's been fine over the years. And that you don't have to aim the sniper to hit someone that's not true, I always have to aim.. I have no idea how you do it. Even when playing with the sniper, I'm not much better than the rifle. But if you hit the sniper, of course, heavier destruction, that's why the opponents fall over with a hit. That's how it should be.

I think the vote will be clear for removing the snipers as only the votes will go if it doesn't fit. You've already seen that with the map rotation. That's why I've already removed the snipers.

I personally think it's a pity, although I hardly ever play with the sniper myself, it never bothered me.
I don't think that the server will get any better now... always boring.

But well we'll see.

The vote is on the right side, everyone is only allowed once, is only for registered users.




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Zurzeit:  inaktiv
Dabei seid:  29.09.10
Posts: 55
Warnungen:  0
30.10.2022 - 14:51:15

I suggest to give all players a sniper expect kro .

Talking about unfair advantage i have to mention that kro has the best ping - video card -computer -best rifle between 150 names at server .

I would like to force kro's ping at 100 - fps at 80 to see with his own eyes whats the reality of the game.

You never kill him first even if you push the fire button before him. The ping always win. You can kill him with the second chance , if he miss on you.

Start a usefull poll please. kill the player instantly if he camps over 10 secs . Players like kro who they camp for minutes they will be last at score .

Please try to consider all the players at server. You dont play alone .

=My®= *_GødšÞeed ‡­´º² .



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Zurzeit:  aktiv
Dabei seid:  07.07.20
Posts: 11
Warnungen:  0
30.10.2022 - 15:48:16

"That sounds bad now, but for me the whining is at a high level. Especially yours with a 27 win streak and a 4 loss streak last quarter."

this is why I opened a thread for others to chip in, I'm just one of the voters here now :)

if what you say about the RO Mod is correct then yeah it's a pity, thought it could be modified somehow to default settings.

as for the poll - great, thanks WOR! if this is now in player's hands then it should be clear soon enough, I just hope that people come and vote on it :) nice to see that you listen to players as well, thx again!

if the voting says no, then I promise I will drop the topic, although I can't promise that I won't rage quit after being killed by a sniper in close range though :D

now go voting people



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Zurzeit:  aktiv
Dabei seid:  07.07.20
Posts: 11
Warnungen:  0
30.10.2022 - 15:50:36

 Zitat von GodspeedGreece

I suggest to give all players a sniper expect kro .

Talking about unfair advantage i have to mention that kro has the best ping - video card -computer -best rifle between 150 names at server .

I would like to force kro's ping at 100 - fps at 80 to see with his own eyes whats the reality of the game.

You never kill him first even if you push the fire button before him. The ping always win. You can kill him with the second chance , if he miss on you.

Start a usefull poll please. kill the player instantly if he camps over 10 secs . Players like kro who they camp for minutes they will be last at score .

Please try to consider all the players at server. You dont play alone .

god damn, I missed this. glad to see that you are still living and dying with this game :D
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