
Automatische Maprotation!


Mit dieser Abstimmung kann jeder die Map Rotation auf dem Server selbst beeinflussen.

Es befindet sich in Testphase also sind Fehler nicht ausgeschlossen.

With this vote, everyone can affect even the Map rotation on the server.

It is in testing phase so mistakes are not excluded.

Ablauf der Abstimmung!


Wenn 20 oder mehr Personen abgestimmt haben wird beim nächsten geplanten Serverneustart automatisch die neu gewählte Map-Rotation geladen.

If 20 or more people have voted then the newly voted map rotation will automatically loaded on the server during the next scheduled server restart.

Danach wird diese Abstimmung auf Null zurückgestellt und es beginnt von vorne. Theoretisch ist es möglich jeden Tag eine Andere Map-Rotation zu wählen wenn genug mit machen.

After this vote will be reset to zero and you can start again from beginn. Theoretically it is possible to vote every day an other Map-Rotation if enough people participate.

Nach diesem Muster wird die Map-Rotation erstellt:

Platz Runden
1 10
3 5
5/7/9 3
2 7
6/8/10 3
4 5

Following this pattern, the map rotation is created:

Place Rounds
1 10
3 5
5/7/9 3
2 7
6/8/10 3
4 5

Have already voted: 16
Still have to vote at least: 4

vote for registered user only
Forum » Array » Forum » Poll

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Zurzeit:  aktiv
Dabei seid:  07.07.20
Posts: 11
Warnungen:  0
01.11.2022 - 16:27:13

 Zitat von W.O.R

That's where being fair begins and where does being fair end?

 Zitat von GodspeedGreece

Say that to "Remove the Sniper" guys .

Talking about an online game which no1 priority to enjoy your game is SPEED. The first thing you see before enter a server is what ping it has. noone choose a high ping.

A little advantage for high pings or amateur players is nothing. We talk for about 2 Snipers and 24 people.

oh will you just cut it out with this ping thing, you make it look like 90% of the server have some big disadvantage of having high ping when reality is completely different

looking through random vids with 15+ players I have taken a screen of how the pings actually look like - you can count them yourselves, 80% of the server have the same pings and even if someone has high ping they never bring it up, only you. I get it, connection from Greece or Egypt is slower, but what does it even have to do with snipes that we are talking about here?

Zuletzt modifiziert von W.O.R am 30.11.2022 - 21:32:30



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Zurzeit:  inaktiv
Dabei seid:  29.09.10
Posts: 55
Warnungen:  0
01.11.2022 - 22:32:29

The pings you show there are not real. It depends from internet provider etc. Consider also the maxpackets 100. Maybe 80% of the server has different pings. You prove one more time that you know nothing about it . let it .

Go ask a Computer Network Technician about ping differences . He will tell you the same.

The first argument you provide (at your first post ) was "unfair advantage" . Thats iam mentioning the ping ..

You say the reality is different but you dont say the reality at all :D

Zuletzt modifiziert von GodspeedGreece am 01.11.2022 - 22:38:44

=My®= *_GødšÞeed ‡­´º² .


Staff Sergeant

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Zurzeit:  aktiv
Dabei seid:  05.09.14
Posts: 117
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02.11.2022 - 18:08:15

Hello everyone, I hope you are all well.

I don't play Vetus server much anymore so noy sure if my answer matters really but here goes.
Sniper has been part of this server even before I joined Vetus and I am struggling to hear what the problem is really after all these years as the sniper has never been changed etc.
Regarding pings, Just because someone may have a high ping doe's not mean they lag or have any issues in game as you all know and for those that lower there pings the same goes for them, either way it does not give the player any advantage over another player if using sniper.

My opinion is, if it is not broken then there is no need to fix anything.

Regards Ding

Noun. ding-a-ling (plural ding-a-lings) The sound of a small bell; the sound of a fire engine bell. (US) An eccentric or crazy person.

und Leader

General of The Army

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Zurzeit:  aktiv
Dabei seid:  22.04.07
Posts: 2373
Warnungen:  0
30.11.2022 - 21:39:56

Voting is over, it has been online for 1 month, 24 players took part in the voting and the result is 10 against 14.

I still think that the snipers (1x per team) don't break that much, but add some variety to the game. To be honest, I'm positively surprised by the result and I'm happy that the majority thinks so too.
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